Marula Plus™ - an Organic, Lyophilized Marula Pulp Fruit Powder in the highest GMP standards inspected and confirmed by leading laboratories in Israel.
The product has several pending patents on our production process and specific Marula genotypes.
The juice produced from the fruit of the tree is characterized by outstanding antioxidant activity. This is due to the high levels of antioxidants (~80% vitamin C and ~20% phenolic compounds), found in the juice.
Marula Plus™ unique manufacturing preserves the natural fruit benefits and is loaded with Minerals, Vitamins, Antioxidants and Amino Acids, as specified in the table
The exceptional health benefits of the Marula tree products have been researched extensively worldwide and indeed among its many benefits, different studies have shown it to significantly decrease levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood2, contain antiproliferative and apoptotic potential in human breast cancer3 and to include reno- and cardio-protective effects in diabetes mellitus, through increased hepatic glycogen synthesis
The extraordinary composition of the Marula tree can be found in this unique organic product Marula Plus™ which is now exclusively available as a dietary supplement, complementary treatment and/or strengthening agent in illnesses such as Type C Diabetes, Atherosclerosis5, high blood cholesterol and hypertension, and vitamins/minerals deficiencies.
Borochov-Neori et al, 2008. “Phenolic Antioxidants and Antiatherogenic Effects of Marula (Sclerocarrya birrea Subsp. caffra) Fruit Juice in Healthy Humans”. Plant Agriculture.
3 Fri Tanih and Ndip Ndip, 2013. “The Acetone Extract of Sclerocarya birrea (Anacardiaceae) Possesses Antiproliferative and Apoptotic Potential Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines (MCF-7)”. The Scientific World Journal.
4 Sclerocarya birrea [Anacardiaceae] stem-bark ethanolic extract (SBE) modulates blood glucose, glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) of STZ-induced diabetic rats